Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week 14 - Ibiúna and Vargem Grande - Vistas e Opiniões


Se vocês querem saber, esta semana foi muito bom graças a Deus.

Monday was really fun, Sister Covey and I decided to study our scriptures while the other two sisters slept! But then Sister Covey had a question.. in the Bible it talks about Cherebum and a flaming sword... but never explains what they actually are. Is a cherub that horse from Hercules? and is the flaming sword symbolism or literally a sword of fire that was placed in front of The Tree? It´s pretty interesting to search in the scriptures. We called the elders and none of them knew either, they hadn't really thought about it. But we gave up on that and played uno for 2 hours and ate skittles, sour patch kids and lemon heads (which i´m now out of Mom so hint hint for próximo vez).

Tuesday was a good, normal day.

Wednesday we had zone conference in Cotia and Treinamento and was really interesting. It was great because I´m finally at the point where I always understand what´s going on. I don´t understand cada palavra ainda, mas sempre a ideia do que esta acontecendo. My companhion and I got into a little bit of an argument afterwards, but in the end we were good and now we have companheirismo that is really strong. I was worried at the beginning of the tranferencia, mas now I really feel like this will be a great 6 weeks.

Thursday we had trainamento dos novos, entao all of the new missionaraies had training in Sao Paulo! The church there is beside the temple, so part of the training was doing contatos outside and handing out LDM´s to people in front of the temple and getting to talk to péople about the temple. Oh my gosh it was amazing and I literally felt like I had Christ walking beside me as my companion the entire time. The lunch was great, and we had great snacks and it was just a really good day! When I got back to my area, my companion and sister covey planned a little festa pra mim because it was my 3 month anniversary! which is a big deal, obviously! 

But to answer your questions! So the picture of the pile of clothes on the road was when one day someone just dropped off clothes in the rain, and thinking about Fátima who asked for clothes a while back, Sister Modesto and I grabbed as much as we could in the rain and carried them back to our house to wash. The trees are just weird odd looking but strangely cool plants I thought yáll would like to see! I did receive the book and the picture book.. and this is what happened. So the mail here is unreliable as vezes, and the packages got rained on so they were soaked and the envelopes ripped open.. so the Brazilian post office repacked them in a like a mail type grocery form bag so they wouldn't get wet. But when I received them, all the pages of the picture book were ruined and stuck together and I tried to pull them apart but they just ripped even more.. so that was really sad.

It´s raining every day all day. I think that this is just a sign that summer started. People say it always rains during the summer and it´s always worse the further away from the city. 

So here´s some food for thought for yáll that I´ve discovered more about this week. Views and opinions.. everyone has their own. This is something really important to learn and to respect. Our thought are sempre triggered because of actions or coisas happening in our lives at that moment, so one problem that we may have right now may be affecting the way we view a certain sinario. When reading the scriptures, its important to discuss and talk about o que você entendeu from reading and share your thoughts, views, and opinions. It´s important because the person you´re discussing with, perhaps never looked at it from your point of view or never thought about applying it to their lives. We can always boost our knowledge and understanding by doing this with muitas coisas. So think about that during your week!

Anyways, I´m good, my health is good, I´m eating and yes drinking water! OH! Yesterday one of the elders was sick (he´s American and doesn´t confia in the medicine here either) so I pulled out my suitcase of medicine and he should be good in a few days!!! 

Em fim, I hope you all have a wonderful week full of milagres and learn about new vistas! 

Com amor,
Sister Bido

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